

She Cancelled Our Very Own Strategies. Just How Must I Read Through This Scenario?


Reader Question:

An ex-girlfriend recently welcomed me over her spot for supper. That was the very first time we had already been with each other in some several months. The two of us had a good time that evening. In the last week, the woman texting is actually more flirty than normal. We made strategies for this week-end but she cancelled early, claiming she was not feeling really and seeking a rain check on our time.

How can I check out this situation?

-Drabs (Massachusetts)

Dr. Wendy Walsh’s Answer:

Dear Drabs,

I’m much less interested in what you could be checking out into her than the purposes are.

Do you really in this way woman? Just what brought about the break up? Do you really need right back together?

Remember, ideal predictor of someone’s potential behavior is the past behavior.

We’ll inform you this: she actually is flirting making use of the thought of getting back together, but it is almost certainly not regarding you. She can be in the middle men and require some common company.

I say this because her “unwell phone call” about weekend plans can be because she has an improved provide or she’s feeling ambivalent.

The clear answer, bear in mind, should take it upwards. Ask what the woman objectives tend to be and inform the lady plainly about your emotions.

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