Changing Africa and Business Chances

In this section, we will introduce remarkable developments regarding the great economic and social changes in Africa that have become conspicuous since 2000, particularly medium- to long-term trends of these changes and prospects, and will post discussions on whether these changes can be interpreted as structural. It will also provide specific cases and other information, and discussions about what business chances these changes are bringing about for Japanese people and companies. Particularly, records of seminars and lectures, handouts, PowerPoint slides and other information about this issue will be provided through our cooperation with seminar sponsors and lecturers.

As global discussions take place about structural changes in and medium- to long-term prospects for the African economy, this section will provide bibliographies of key English documents as introduced by relevant organizations.

Materials provided from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry Middle Eastern and African department

Prospective and response of African business  (in Japanese)

Seminar “Changing Africa and Business Chances”

(15 April 2013, hosted by: AfDB/JICA/JETRO  co-hosted by Nomura Research Institute, Ltd.)

Materials provided from African Development Bank Group External Representation Office for Asia.

“Changing Africa and Business Chances” (in Japanese)

“Prospects for Japan-Africa Business Partnership” (in Japanese)

(“The 10th meeting TICAD Ⅴ support and follow-up PT” Japan Association of Corporate Executives March 6) meeting materials (2014)

“Action towards peace – building and end to the conflict in Africa”

(The high-level panel report in English on fragile states)

Contributed article by Nomura Research Institute

“Initiative for entry into last enormous market, Africa” (in Japanese)

(Reprinted from ”Chitekishisan Souzou (Creation of soft asset)”, Feb 2013)

Interview with Mr. Paul Collier

“African Economics will be doubled in next 10 years.” (in Japanese)

(Reprinted from Nikkei BP mook “African Business” (edited by Nikkei Business), issued on 5 September 2013)

Lecture record of Dr. Donald Kaberuka, President of the African Development Bank

At the University of Tokyo, 5 June 2013

“Africa’s Economic Transformation in a Multipolar World”

At Indian Center for African Studies, 1 February 2013

“Africa and India: A Shared Past, A Common Future”

