

Sony Ericsson W800 GSM phone review


Sony Ericsson W800 GSM phone review

Sony Ericsson differs from many manufacturers in that it has Ericsson's technical experience and hardware solutions, as well as design and marketing from Sony. Until recently, the influence of parent companies on Sony Ericsson was not too obvious and noticeable to the average consumer. With the release of the W800, everything changed overnight. It is the first phone to be marketed under the Walkman brand, which has become a household name for portable players in some countries. The positioning of the phone as a musical solution is interesting, several companies are going this way today, but none of them has such a trademark behind their backs, plus history. This means that Sony Ericsson has an additional advantage that the company will try to use.

The W index in the name of the phone comes from the abbreviation Walkman, so far only two products have been announced, these are the Sony Ericsson W800 and W600. The latest model will be delivered only to the American market for the time being, later it will also appear in Europe. Both devices are made in a bright orange color, in the pictures it looks acidic, to some extent repulsive. In real life, models have a certain charm, they are one hundred percent suitable for a youth audience. An attempt to make phones different both from other models of the company and from solutions from other manufacturers is logical. After all, once you see such an apparatus in the hands of a person, you will remember the apparatus.It's interesting that for the W800 the Sony Ericsson designation is embossed in the case, but not marked with paint, it's almost invisible. Only a small company logo is visible, and even then not from all angles, while the Walkman lettering is bright and eye-catching. This fact clearly shows that the company is trying first of all to appeal to the experience of users of portable musical equipment, but not mobile phones. The reasoning looks like this: those who know the company's phones and need such a device will most likely buy Sony Ericsson K750, but for new users, those who constantly listen to music, the positioning of the W800 will play a role and they may choose this phone. That is, the company releases the W800 to conquer a new audience, the percentage of purchases among loyal consumers will be relatively low.

Technologically, the W800 model is a complete copy of the Sony Ericsson K750, it is impossible to write about this device separately, since there are exactly three differences.

First difference or design. Bright orange body, ivory front panel. The keyboard has become different, the buttons are separated from each other, strongly recessed to the surface of the case. Pressings have a small amplitude, which creates a feeling of firm pressing. Such a keyboard is not suitable for everyone, but in general it is comfortable. The backlight is orange, it is clearly visible in various conditions.

On the rear panel, the camera is covered with a shutter, but here a different design is used, just move the slider and the lens will open. In the case of the K750, the curtain is large and moves off to the side. Sometimes during a conversation, you can involuntarily open it with your hand.

Instead of the Activity Menu button below the screen, there is a key to access the player. In the presence of the side Music Button, duplication of this function does not seem justified from the point of view of functionality. But from the point of view of marketing, it is important to emphasize the main component of the device, namely the musical capabilities. There are no other differences in design.

The second difference is the delivery set. The main storage medium in the phone is a MS Duo or Duo Pro memory card (at the moment, cards up to 2 GB, cards up to 4 GB are possible in the next year). If the K750 package includes a 64 MB card, then the W800 comes with a 512 MB card. A card of this size is simply necessary for using the phone as a player, a 256 MB card looks like a compromise, a smaller volume is not interesting.

Unlike the K750, the box of the W800 is a blister, it is vertical and the phone is visible along with the headphones. This is a typical solution for music players; the company hasn't had such blisters since Ericsson R310s. The W800 comes bundled with HPM-70 headphones (similar to the Sony MDR-EX71), their sound quality is better than those that come with the K750.

The third or software difference. Sony Ericsson W800 is the first phone from the company (I emphasize that we are talking about phones, not smartphones) that can work with the radio part turned off, moreover, it works even with no SIM -map. When turned on, the device will ask if you want to activate the phone or only the music player. By selecting only the player, you can listen to music both from the device's memory and from the card's memory. But here you will not get access to other phone functions, for example, games, an organizer, a notebook. This is sad, since most manufacturers produce modern devices with a normally implemented profile in an airplane, when the radio part is turned off, but all other phone functions remain available. For Sony Ericsson, this model is the first trial balloon. The second point is related to the fact that there is no smooth switching to the player-only mode, you will have to turn off the phone and then turn it on again. For example, in Sony Ericsson S600 one more step forward is made, by pressing the on/off key you can select the current profile. Apparently, in one of the following products, these two functions will be combined (it will turn out not only to change the profile, but also to add an aircraft profile).

The manufacturer says that the listening time of the player with the radio part turned off approximately doubles, from 15 to 30 hours (for the K750 it is 15 hours). Experiments have shown that the device really plays about twice as long if you do not touch it, do not work with playlists (that is, the screen is off). In our case, the phone played music at maximum volume into the headphones for about 12 hours in phone mode and 21 hours in player mode. Working with the phone in the player mode drastically reduces the playback time, and the screen's power consumption is affected.

In my opinion, the current implementation of the music profile is not of great importance and will only find use in airplanes when other phone functions are not needed. For most other situations, turning off the radio and all other functions (including the radio) does not seem to be justified. Therefore, this feature cannot be considered a major improvement over the K750.

Other changes are related to the appearance of the W icon in the main menu, indicating the player. The player's interface has been slightly redesigned, but there are no fundamental changes here either, the overall usability remains at the same level as compared to the K750. An important difference is the appearance of a status bar at the top of the screen with the name of the current song and artist. Such a line appears only in the standby mode when starting playback with the Music Button, it hangs for about 3-4 seconds and then disappears. In standby mode, neither the current song number nor the song name is displayed on the screen. The explanation is that the developers did not have time to fully implement such a function. Let's remember, Free classifieds in Effutu Municipal that in K750 there is a line with sound volume control, it is located at the top of the screen (it also works outside the player or radio when apps are minimized). The W800 also displays the name of the current song when playback starts. In the future, the place of the "ticker" can be used to display not only information about musical compositions, but also various news coming from the operator, weather forecasts, and the like. This is a kind of running line. We will be able to see a full-fledged implementation of such an interface not earlier than next year, while in each model there will be minor improvements, and only the process of developing such functionality will be gradual.

This is where all the differences from the K750 end, to find out about the full functionality of the device, you should read the corresponding review. Here, let me say a few words about the price of the W800 and its prospects.

The model will appear on the market in September, the initial cost will range from 400 to 480 Euros depending on the country. At the moment, the cost of a functionally similar K750 ranges from 300 to 350 Euros in European countries. For the Russian market, the high cost of K750 at the level of $500 is explained by rush demand and a small number of deliveries. At launch, the W800 should cost about 100 Euros more than the current price of the K750. The difference in price is due solely to the novelty of the model and the presence of a 512 MB card in the kit.

Given that buying a K750 and a 512 MB memory card will ultimately be cheaper than buying a W800, there is practically no point in the latter. Except when you like the design of this phone more than the K750. The W800 is designed primarily for those who are not familiar with Sony Ericsson products, but constantly listen to music and know the Walkman trademark. The identity of the K750 and W800 models, the earlier entry into the market of the K750 allow us to say that sales of the W800 will be relatively small. We estimate the ratio of sales as 80 to 20.

The W800 model is the first attempt to use the Walkman brand, the second W600 model is more interesting, as it has obvious differences from its prototype S600, offers a different amount of internal memory (256 MB versus 64 in S600). In the future, the company will follow the path of a clearer differentiation of the offer, there will be practically no similar functional models, as in the combination of K750 and W800.

Sony Ericsson W800 GSM phone review

Sony Ericsson differs from many manufacturers in that it has Ericsson's technical experience and hardware solutions, as well as design and marketing from Sony. Until recently, the influence of parent companies on Sony Ericsson was not too obvious and noticeable to the average consumer. With the release of the W800, everything changed overnight. It is the first phone to be marketed under the Walkman brand, which has become a household name for portable players in some countries. The positioning of the phone as a musical solution is interesting, several companies are going this way today, but none of them has such a trademark behind their backs, plus history. This means that Sony Ericsson has an additional advantage that the company will try to use.

The W index in the name of the phone comes from the abbreviation Walkman, so far only two products have been announced, these are the Sony Ericsson W800 and W600. The latest model will be delivered only to the American market for the time being, later it will also appear in Europe. Both devices are made in a bright orange color, in the pictures it looks acidic, to some extent repulsive. In real life, models have a certain charm, they are one hundred percent suitable for a youth audience. An attempt to make phones different both from other models of the company and from solutions from other manufacturers is logical. After all, once you see such an apparatus in the hands of a person, you will remember the apparatus. It's interesting that for the W800 the Sony Ericsson designation is embossed in the case, but not marked with paint, it's almost invisible. Only a small company logo is visible, and even then not from all angles, while the Walkman lettering is bright and eye-catching. This fact clearly shows that the company is trying first of all to appeal to the experience of users of portable musical equipment, but not mobile phones. The reasoning looks like this: those who know the company's phones and need such a device will most likely buy Sony Ericsson K750, but for new users, those who constantly listen to music, the positioning of the W800 will play a role and they may choose this phone. That is, the company releases the W800 to conquer a new audience, the percentage of purchases among loyal consumers will be relatively low.

Technologically, the W800 model is a complete copy of the Sony Ericsson K750, it is impossible to write about this device separately, since there are exactly three differences.

First difference or design. Bright orange body, ivory front panel. The keyboard has become different, the buttons are separated from each other, strongly recessed to the surface of the case. Pressings have a small amplitude, which creates a feeling of firm pressing. Such a keyboard is not suitable for everyone, but in general it is comfortable. The backlight is orange, it is clearly visible in various conditions.

On the rear panel, the camera is covered with a shutter, but here a different design is used, just move the slider and the lens will open. In the case of the K750, the curtain is large and moves off to the side. Sometimes during a conversation, you can involuntarily open it with your hand.

Instead of the Activity Menu button below the screen, there is a key to access the player. In the presence of the side Music Button, duplication of this function does not seem justified from the point of view of functionality. But from the point of view of marketing, it is important to emphasize the main component of the device, namely the musical capabilities. There are no other differences in design.

The second difference is the delivery set. The main storage medium in the phone is a MS Duo or Duo Pro memory card (at the moment, cards up to 2 GB, cards up to 4 GB are possible in the next year). If the K750 package includes a 64 MB card, then the W800 comes with a 512 MB card. A card of this size is simply necessary for using the phone as a player, a 256 MB card looks like a compromise, a smaller volume is not interesting.

Unlike the K750, the box of the W800 is a blister, it is vertical and the phone is visible along with the headphones. This is a typical solution for music players; the company hasn't had such blisters since Ericsson R310s. The W800 comes bundled with HPM-70 headphones (similar to the Sony MDR-EX71), their sound quality is better than those that come with the K750.

The third or software difference. Sony Ericsson W800 is the first phone from the company (I emphasize that we are talking about phones, not smartphones) that can work with the radio part turned off, moreover, it works even with no SIM -map. When turned on, the device will ask if you want to activate the phone or only the music player. By selecting only the player, you can listen to music both from the device's memory and from the card's memory. But here you will not get access to other phone functions, for example, games, an organizer, a notebook. This is sad, since most manufacturers produce modern devices with a normally implemented profile in an airplane, when the radio part is turned off, but all other phone functions remain available. For Sony Ericsson, this model is the first trial balloon. The second point is related to the fact that there is no smooth switching to the player-only mode, you will have to turn off the phone and then turn it on again. For example, in Sony Ericsson S600 one more step forward is made, by pressing the on/off key you can select the current profile. Apparently, in one of the following products, these two functions will be combined (it will turn out not only to change the profile, but also to add an aircraft profile).

The manufacturer says that the listening time of the player with the radio part turned off approximately doubles, from 15 to 30 hours (for the K750 it is 15 hours). Experiments have shown that the device really plays about twice as long if you do not touch it, do not work with playlists (that is, the screen is off). In our case, the phone played music at maximum volume into the headphones for about 12 hours in phone mode and 21 hours in player mode. Working with the phone in the player mode drastically reduces the playback time, and the screen's power consumption is affected.

In my opinion, the current implementation of the music profile is not of great importance and will only find use in airplanes when other phone functions are not needed. For most other situations, turning off the radio and all other functions (including the radio) does not seem to be justified. Therefore, this feature cannot be considered a major improvement over the K750.

Other changes are related to the appearance of the W icon in the main menu, indicating the player. The player's interface has been slightly redesigned, but there are no fundamental changes here either, the overall usability remains at the same level as compared to the K750. An important difference is the appearance of a status bar at the top of the screen with the name of the current song and artist. Such a line appears only in the standby mode when you start playing with the Music Button, it hangs for about 3-4 seconds and then disappears. In standby mode, neither the current song number nor the song name is displayed on the screen. The explanation is that the developers did not have time to fully implement such a function. Let's remember, Free classifieds in Effutu Municipal that the K750 has a line with sound volume control, it is located at the top of the screen (it also works outside the player or radio when apps are minimized). The W800 also displays the name of the current song when playback starts. In the future, the place of the "ticker" can be used to display not only information about musical compositions, but also various news coming from the operator, weather forecasts and the like. This is a kind of running line. We will be able to see a full-fledged implementation of such an interface not earlier than next year, while in each model there will be minor improvements, and only the process of developing such functionality will be gradual.

This is where all the differences from the K750 end, to find out about the full functionality of the device, you should read the corresponding review. Here, let me say a few words about the price of the W800 and its prospects.

The model will appear on the market in September, the initial cost will range from 400 to 480 Euros depending on the country. At the moment, the cost of a functionally similar K750 ranges from 300 to 350 Euros in European countries. For the Russian market, the high cost of K750 at the level of $500 is explained by rush demand and a small number of deliveries. At launch, the W800 should cost about 100 Euros more than the current price of the K750. The difference in price is due solely to the novelty of the model and the presence of a 512 MB card in the kit.

Given that buying a K750 and a 512 MB memory card will ultimately be cheaper than buying a W800, there is practically no point in the latter. Except when you like the design of this phone more than the K750. The W800 is designed primarily for those who are not familiar with Sony Ericsson products, but constantly listen to music and know the Walkman trademark. The identity of the K750 and W800 models, the earlier entry into the market of the K750 allow us to say that sales of the W800 will be relatively small. We estimate the sales ratio as 80 to 20.

The W800 model is the first attempt to use the Walkman brand, the second W600 model is more interesting, as it has obvious differences from its prototype S600, offers a different amount of internal memory (256 MB versus 64 in S600). In the future, the company will follow the path of a clearer differentiation of the offer, there will be practically no similar functional models, as in the combination of K750 and W800.

Sony Ericsson W800 GSM phone review

Sony Ericsson differs from many manufacturers in that it has Ericsson's technical experience and hardware solutions, as well as design and marketing from Sony. Until recently, the influence of parent companies on Sony Ericsson was not too obvious and noticeable to the average consumer. With the release of the W800, everything changed overnight. It is the first phone to be marketed under the Walkman brand, which has become a household name for portable players in some countries. The positioning of the phone as a musical solution is interesting, several companies are going this way today, but none of them has such a trademark behind their backs, plus history. This means that Sony Ericsson has an additional advantage that the company will try to use.

The W index in the name of the phone comes from the abbreviation Walkman, so far only two products have been announced, these are the Sony Ericsson W800 and W600. The latest model will be delivered only to the American market for the time being, later it will also appear in Europe. Both devices are made in a bright orange color, in the pictures it looks acidic, to some extent repulsive. In real life, models have a certain charm, they are one hundred percent suitable for a youth audience. An attempt to make phones different both from other models of the company and from solutions from other manufacturers is logical. After all, once you see such an apparatus in the hands of a person, you will remember the device. It's interesting that for the W800 the Sony Ericsson designation is embossed in the case, but not marked with paint, it's almost invisible. Only a small company logo is visible, and even then not from all angles, while the Walkman lettering is bright and eye-catching. This fact clearly shows that the company is trying first of all to appeal to the experience of users of portable musical equipment, but not mobile phones. The reasoning looks like this: those who know the company's phones and need such a device will most likely buy Sony Ericsson K750, but for new users, those who constantly listen to music, the positioning of the W800 will play a role and they may choose this phone. That is, the company releases the W800 to conquer a new audience, the percentage of purchases among loyal consumers will be relatively low.

Technologically, the W800 model is a complete copy of the Sony Ericsson K750, it is impossible to write about this device separately, since there are exactly three differences.

First difference or design. Bright orange body, ivory front panel. The keyboard has become different, the buttons are separated from each other, strongly recessed to the surface of the case. Pressings have a small amplitude, which creates a feeling of firm pressing. Such a keyboard is not suitable for everyone, but in general it is comfortable. The backlight is orange, it is clearly visible in various conditions.

On the rear panel, the camera is covered with a shutter, but here a different design is used, just move the slider and the lens will open. In the case of the K750, the curtain is large and moves off to the side. Sometimes during a conversation, you can involuntarily open it with your hand.

Instead of the Activity Menu button below the screen, there is a key to access the player. In the presence of the side Music Button, duplication of this function does not seem justified from the point of view of functionality. But from the point of view of marketing, it is important to emphasize the main component of the device, namely the musical capabilities. There are no other differences in design.

The second difference is the delivery set. The main storage medium in the phone is a MS Duo or Duo Pro memory card (at the moment, cards up to 2 GB, cards up to 4 GB are possible in the next year). If the K750 package includes a 64 MB card, then the W800 comes with a 512 MB card. A card of this size is simply necessary for using the phone as a player, a 256 MB card looks like a compromise, a smaller volume is not interesting.

Unlike the K750, the box of the W800 is a blister, it is vertical and the phone is visible along with the headphones. This is a typical solution for music players; the company hasn't had such blisters since Ericsson R310s. The W800 comes bundled with HPM-70 headphones (similar to the Sony MDR-EX71), their sound quality is better than those that come with the K750.

The third or software difference. Sony Ericsson W800 is the first phone from the company (I emphasize that we are talking about phones, not smartphones) that can work with the radio part turned off, moreover, it works even with no SIM -map. When turned on, the device will ask if you want to activate the phone or only the music player. By selecting only the player, you can listen to music both from the device's memory and from the card's memory. But here you will not get access to other phone functions, for example, games, an organizer, a notebook. This is sad, since most manufacturers produce modern devices with a normally implemented profile in an airplane, when the radio part is turned off, but all other phone functions remain available. For Sony Ericsson, this model is the first trial balloon. The second point is related to the fact that there is no smooth switching to the player-only mode, you will have to turn off the phone and then turn it on again. For example, in Sony Ericsson S600 one more step forward is made, by pressing the on/off key you can select the current profile. Apparently, in one of the following products, these two functions will be combined (it will turn out not only to change the profile, but also to add an aircraft profile).

The manufacturer says that the listening time of the player with the radio part turned off approximately doubles, from 15 to 30 hours (for the K750 it is 15 hours). Experiments have shown that the device really plays about twice as long if you do not touch it, do not work with playlists (that is, the screen is off). In our case, the phone played music at maximum volume into the headphones for about 12 hours in phone mode and 21 hours in player mode. Working with the phone in the player mode drastically reduces the playback time, and the screen's power consumption is affected.

In my opinion, the current implementation of the music profile is not of great importance and will only find use in airplanes when other phone functions are not needed. For most other situations, turning off the radio and all other functions (including the radio) does not seem to be justified. Therefore, this feature cannot be considered a major improvement over the K750.

Other changes are related to the appearance of the W icon in the main menu, indicating the player. The player's interface has been slightly redesigned, but there are no fundamental changes here either, the overall usability remains at the same level as compared to the K750. An important difference is the appearance of a status bar at the top of the screen with the name of the current song and artist. Such a line appears only in the standby mode when starting playback with the Music Button, it hangs for about 3-4 seconds and then disappears. In standby mode, neither the current song number nor the song name is displayed on the screen. The explanation is that the developers did not have time to fully implement such a function. Let's remember, Free classifieds in Effutu Municipal that in K750 there is a line with sound volume control, it is located at the top of the screen (it also works outside the player or radio when apps are minimized). The W800 also displays the name of the current song when playback starts. In the future, the place of the "ticker" can be used to display not only information about musical compositions, but also various news coming from the operator, weather forecasts, and the like. This is a kind of running line. We will be able to see a full-fledged implementation of such an interface not earlier than next year, while in each model there will be minor improvements, and only the process of developing such functionality will be gradual.

This is where all the differences from the K750 end, to find out about the full functionality of the device, you should read the corresponding review. Here, let me say a few words about the price of the W800 and its prospects.

The model will appear on the market in September, the initial cost will vary from 400 to 480 Euros depending on the country. At the moment, the cost of a functionally similar K750 ranges from 300 to 350 Euros in European countries. For the Russian market, the high cost of K750 at the level of $500 is explained by rush demand and a small number of deliveries. At launch, the W800 should cost about 100 Euros more than the current price of the K750. The difference in price is due solely to the novelty of the model and the presence of a 512 MB card in the kit.

Given that buying a K750 and a 512 MB memory card will ultimately be cheaper than buying a W800, there is practically no point in the latter. Except when you like the design of this phone more than the K750. The W800 is designed primarily for those who are not familiar with Sony Ericsson products, but constantly listen to music and know the Walkman trademark. The identity of the K750 and W800 models, the earlier entry into the market of the K750 allow us to say that sales of the W800 will be relatively small. We estimate the ratio of sales as 80 to 20.

The W800 model is the first attempt to use the Walkman brand, the second W600 model is more interesting, as it has obvious differences from its prototype S600, offers a different amount of internal memory (256 MB versus 64 in S600). In the future, the company will follow the path of a clearer differentiation of the offer, there will be practically no similar functional models, as in the combination of K750 and W800.

Sony Ericsson W800 GSM phone review

Sony Ericsson differs from many manufacturers in that it has Ericsson's technical experience and hardware solutions, as well as design and marketing from Sony. Until recently, the influence of parent companies on Sony Ericsson was not too obvious and noticeable to the average consumer. With the release of the W800, everything changed overnight. It is the first phone to be marketed under the Walkman brand, which has become a household name for portable players in some countries. The positioning of the phone as a musical solution is interesting, several companies are going this way today, but none of them has such a trademark behind their backs, plus history. This means that Sony Ericsson has an additional advantage that the company will try to use.

The W index in the name of the phone comes from the abbreviation Walkman, so far only two products have been announced, these are the Sony Ericsson W800 and W600. The latest model will be delivered only to the American market for the time being, later it will also appear in Europe. Both devices are made in a bright orange color, in the pictures it looks acidic, to some extent repulsive. In real life, models have a certain charm, they are one hundred percent suitable for a youth audience. An attempt to make phones different both from other models of the company and from solutions from other manufacturers is logical. After all, once you see such an apparatus in the hands of a person, you will remember the apparatus. It's interesting that for the W800 the Sony Ericsson designation is embossed in the case, but not marked with paint, it's almost invisible. Only a small company logo is visible, and even then not from all angles, while the Walkman lettering is bright and eye-catching. This fact clearly shows that the company is trying first of all to appeal to the experience of users of portable musical equipment, but not mobile phones. The reasoning looks like this: those who know the company's phones and need such a device will most likely buy Sony Ericsson K750, but for new users, those who constantly listen to music, the positioning of the W800 will play a role and they may choose this phone. That is, the company releases the W800 to conquer a new audience, the percentage of purchases among loyal consumers will be relatively low.

Technologically, the W800 model is a complete copy of the Sony Ericsson K750, it is impossible to write about this device separately, since there are exactly three differences.

The first difference or design. Bright orange body, ivory front panel. The keyboard has become different, the buttons are separated from each other, strongly recessed to the surface of the case. Pressings have a small amplitude, which creates a feeling of firm pressing. Such a keyboard is not suitable for everyone, but in general it is comfortable. The backlight is orange, it is clearly visible in various conditions.

On the rear panel, the camera is covered with a shutter, but here a different design is used, just move the slider and the lens will open. In the case of the K750, the curtain is large and moves off to the side. Sometimes during a conversation, you can involuntarily open it with your hand.

Instead of the Activity Menu button below the screen, there is a key to access the player. In the presence of the side Music Button, duplication of this function does not seem justified from the point of view of functionality. But from the point of view of marketing, it is important to emphasize the main component of the device, namely the musical capabilities. There are no other differences in design.

The second difference is the delivery set. The main carrier of information in the phone is a MS Duo or Duo Pro memory card (at the moment, cards up to 2 GB, cards up to 4 GB are possible in the next year). If the K750 package includes a 64 MB card, then the W800 comes with a 512 MB card. A card of this size is simply necessary for using the phone as a player, a 256 MB card looks like a compromise, a smaller volume is not interesting.

Unlike the K750, the box of the W800 is a blister, it is vertical and the phone is visible along with the headphones. This is a typical solution for music players, the company hasn't had such blisters since Ericsson R310s. The W800 comes bundled with HPM-70 headphones (similar to the Sony MDR-EX71), their sound quality is better than those that come with the K750.

The third difference or software. Sony Ericsson W800 is the first phone from the company (I emphasize that we are talking about phones, not smartphones) that can work with the radio part turned off, moreover, it works even with no SIM card. When turned on, the device will ask if you want to activate the phone or only the music player. By selecting only the player, you can listen to music both from the device's memory and from the card's memory. But here you will not get access to other phone functions, for example, games, an organizer, a notebook. This is sad, since most manufacturers produce modern devices with a normally implemented profile in an airplane, when the radio part is turned off, but all other phone functions remain available.For Sony Ericsson, this model is the first trial balloon. The second point is related to the fact that there is no smooth switching to the player-only mode, you will have to turn off the phone and then turn it on again. For example, in Sony Ericsson S600 one more step forward is made, by pressing the on/off key you can select the current profile. Apparently, in one of the following products, these two functions will be combined (it will turn out not only to change the profile, but also to add an aircraft profile).

The manufacturer says that the listening time of the player with the radio part turned off approximately doubles, from 15 to 30 hours (for the K750 it is 15 hours). Experiments have shown that the device really plays about twice as long if you do not touch it, do not work with playlists (that is, the screen is off). In our case, the phone played music at maximum volume into the headphones for about 12 hours in phone mode and 21 hours in player mode. Working with the phone in the player mode drastically reduces the playback time, and the screen's power consumption is affected.

In my opinion, the current implementation of the music profile is not of great importance and will only find use in airplanes when other phone functions are not needed. For most other situations, turning off the radio and all other functions (including the radio) does not seem to be justified. Therefore, this feature cannot be considered a major improvement over the K750.

Other changes are related to the appearance of the W icon in the main menu, indicating the player. The player's interface has been slightly redesigned, but there are no fundamental changes here either, the overall usability remains at the same level as compared to the K750. An important difference is the appearance of a status bar at the top of the screen with the name of the current song and artist. Such a line appears only in the standby mode when you start playing with the Music Button, it hangs for about 3-4 seconds and then disappears. In standby mode, neither the current song number nor the song name is displayed on the screen.The explanation is that the developers did not have time to fully implement such a function. Let's remember, Free classifieds in Effutu Municipal, that in K750 there is a line with sound volume control, it is located at the top of the screen (it also works outside the player or radio when applications are minimized). The W800 also displays the name of the current song when playback starts. In the future, the place of the "ticker" can be used to display not only information about musical compositions, but also various news coming from the operator, weather forecasts and the like. This is a kind of running line. We will be able to see a full-fledged implementation of such an interface not earlier than next year, while in each model there will be minor improvements, and only the process of developing such functionality will be gradual.

Other changes are related to the appearance in the main menu of the W icon, which denotes the player. The player's interface has been slightly redesigned, but there are no fundamental changes here either, the overall usability remains at the same level as compared to the K750. An important difference is the appearance of a status bar at the top of the screen with the name of the current song and artist. Such a line appears only in the standby mode when you start playing with the Music Button, it hangs for about 3-4 seconds and then disappears. In standby mode, neither the current song number nor the song name is displayed on the screen. The explanation is that the developers did not have time to fully implement such a function. Let's remember Free classifieds in Effutu Municipal Free classifieds in Effutu Municipality that in the K750 a line with sound volume control appears, it is located at the top of the screen (it also works outside the player or radio when applications are minimized). The W800 also displays the name of the current song when playback starts. In the future, the place of the "ticker" can be used to display not only information about musical compositions, but also various news coming from the operator, weather forecasts and the like. This is a kind of running line. We will be able to see a full-fledged implementation of such an interface not earlier than next year, but for now, minor improvements will appear in each model, and only the process of developing such functionality will be gradual.

This is where all the differences from the K750 end, to find out about the full functionality of the device, you should read the corresponding review. Here, let me say a few words about the price of the W800 and its prospects.

The model will appear on the market in September, the initial cost will range from 400 to 480 Euros depending on the country. At the moment, the cost of a functionally similar K750 ranges from 300 to 350 Euros in European countries. For the Russian market, the high cost of K750 at the level of $500 is explained by rush demand and a small number of deliveries. At launch, the W800 should cost about 100 Euros more than the current price of the K750. The difference in price is due solely to the novelty of the model and the presence of a 512 MB card in the kit.

Given that buying a K750 and a 512 MB memory card will ultimately be cheaper than buying a W800, there is practically no point in the latter. Except when you like the design of this phone more than the K750. The W800 is designed primarily for those who are not familiar with Sony Ericsson products, but constantly listen to music and know the Walkman trademark. The identity of the K750 and W800 models, the earlier entry into the market of the K750 allow us to say that sales of the W800 will be relatively small. We estimate the sales ratio as 80 to 20.

The W800 model is the first attempt to use the Walkman brand, the second W600 model is more interesting, as it has obvious differences from its prototype S600, offers a different amount of internal memory (256 MB versus 64 in S600). In the future, the company will follow the path of a clearer differentiation of the offer, there will be practically no similar functional models, as in the combination of K750 and W800.